Write For Us
Clear Blue Hawaii is accepting quality guest posts from all Kayak, watersports and general fitness enthusiasts. If you are looking to reach out to our readers, contributing a guest post would be the best way.
To contribute a fitness guest post article on our website, please email us at clearblue@writeforusblog.com.
We accept articles in the following niches:
- Fitness guest posts
- Fitness equipment guest posts
- Kayak guest posts
- Nutrition guest posts
- Canoe guest posts
- Workout guest posts
- Watersports guest posts
- Fishing guest posts
Article Criteria
We will vet every article submitted to us and we will reject any article that does not meet our high standards. Here are the criteria that we expect from your article:
- Minimum of 500 words
- 100% unique (We check all content on Copyscape)
- No grammatical errors (We check all content using Grammarly)
- Multiple subheadings
- Short paragraphing (3-4 sentences per paragraph)
- The content must be original and should not be published elsewhere
Most importantly, the article needs to be related to Kayaking/Watersports to ensure its relevance to our site. It can be in any niche but the article needs to be related to Kayaking/Watersports. Below are some sample article titles in various niches:
- 4 Ways to Keep Your Body Fit with Kayaking (Fitness Niche)
- 3 Super Foods for Kayaking Enthusiasts (Nutrition Niche)
- Why Vegan Food Can Benefit Kayakers (Vegan Niche)
- 5 Apps That Every Kayaker Should Download (Tech Niche)
- Best Massage Chair to Relax Your Body After A Long Kayaking Trip (Home Niche)
Editorial Process
Every article submitted needs to go through a proper editorial process where we will review the quality of the articles and make the necessary changes. We will also ensure that the article is SEO optimized and pick a relevant image to accompany the article.
You can submit your article by emailing us at clearblue@writeforusblog.com.